Monday, May 5th, 2008 - There's no place like home!

The kids and I parted with Dad at the Halifax Airport yesterday, Silas on his way to Montreal to convert the pagans, and the kids and I happily soaring over the Gulf to Calvert to get our fix. Waking up this morning at Grandma and Granda's was such a treat - sun shining brightly, warm air pulling us outside, icebergs floating in Ferryland Harbour, big screen TV beckoning us with images of Dora and the like.
We spent the day outdoors, playing in the yard, going to see Peter Hynes' lambs (although we forgot to bring them any treats) and playing with cousin Emily. Josh was a little mixed up - when he went out the door onto the deck, he promptly took off running, across the lawn, up the lane, and plopped himself down outside the front door of Josephine's. Just like the good old days...

All hands went to bed early to recover from the jet lag and get ready for tomorrow.
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