Saturday, July 19th, 2008 - That was grand!

Well, here we are in Calvert again. This time a whole week has passed and I have not managed to put fingertips to keyboard to cast our vacation experiences out into the blogosphere. Not for lack of adventures, though.
We arrived last Sunday after an excruciating 22 hour voyage. Marine Atlantic, fog, and moose were the culprits. But we did arrive safely in the wee hours of the morning, and had time to get a couple of hours sleep before getting up to go to Mass and then home for Sunday Dinner. Naps were had by all, then we rounded out the day with, of course, wings and chips (and cod bites this time) from the Jigger. All was right with the world.
Throughout this week we've kept ourselves pretty busy. The Lighthouse Picnics were a highlight, and not just for the good food this year. Josh and Jacob walked all the way out without the stroller! The weather was perfect for the walk out and back, but while we there it was cold and drizzly and we couldn't handle an outdoor picnic.

The weather was so perfect the rest of the week that we packed in as many outdoor adventures as we could, before the inevitable rain, drizzle, and fog came to drive us indoors. We threw rocks into the North Atlantic, frolicked in Bowring Park, watched laundry flap in the wind, and rode bikes up and down the lane.

We did spend some time in the house, occasionally in serious pursuits...

...but more often, just being silly.

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