On The Point

Words and images to capture the joy of vacation, the value of family, the chaos of kids, and the beauty of The Rock.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Wednesday, July 23rd, 2008 - Corporal works of mercy

The days here are flying by - we've been swimming, shopping, walking, going to the library...all the while going through endless Tim's drive-thrus for coffee and fruit-filled timbits.

Today Silas and I went to town ALL BY OURSELVES (thanks Grandma and Granda!) to watch movies in the theatre. We also went to visit Sr. Patrice who is in hospital waiting for surgery. Of course, you can't go empty handed, so we picked some peonies from the garden to brighten her hospital room, and then for her palate Grandma fried up a tasty sculp. (aka codfish head). That's just the way we do things here.


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