Friday, June 15th, 2007 - Happiness is L'Arche in the rearview mirror...

Friday dawned sunny and warm and we spent the morning preparing for our big trip. Things went fairly well...Lily did escape, leading to Silas' scouring the village of Orangedale shaking a bag of Meow Mix. And we did drive off with a dirty diaper on top of our van, which Mark discovered when we got to the Esso (long story - don't ask).
We were so touched by all the people who called and visited to wish us a good vacation. Nice to know we have people who care about us, and not just for our extensive DVD collection!
So we made it to the ferry on time, with smiles on our faces and a cat in our van.
As for the ferry trip over, well, as Len Thomas once said "It's never the cruise they promise." But on this trip, none of that was our fault! The kids were angels, we slept soundly, but Marine Atlantic is showing the effects of its monopoly status. You'd think on the FIRST TRIP OF THE SEASON they might, oh, have the TVs working? Or the vending machines filled? Just a thought.
So we drove into Calvert and sunny skies in time for pancakes and bacon with Grandma, Granda Tom, and Nan. Let the good times roll!
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