Saturday, August 2nd, 2008 - The Cove
We took our time getting ready this morning, long luxurious baths, foot massages, recreational wrestling, jokes so good we peed in our pants. After some beans for lunch we packe dup the van to go South - through Calvert, Ferryland, Aquaforte, Fermeuse, Renews, Round Cove, Cappahayden, Portugal Cove South, Biscay Bay, and finally Trepassey.
Trepassey was once a booming hub of the fishery - 2200 people living in the town itself, not to mention in all the surrounding communities. The fish plant employed as many as 1400 people, and Trepassey was home to a hockey rink, a motel, a Home Hardware, several restaurants, two schools, several garages and much more infrastructure. With the demise of the cod fishery, Trepassey is now just a shadow of what it used to be. Last year there was just one child beginning school at Stella Maris.
After taking in the beauty of Trepassey, we backtracked to the Portugal Cove Community Hall for their celebrationof Cape Race Heritage Days. There were displays on traditional themes (hooking mats, catching cod, making butter). The big decision - would we rather know how to make bread or raise a family? Tough decision.
They served lots of traditional food - colcannon, cod tongues, baked beans, toutons, mussels, homemeade bread, pea soup, raisin buns, bakeapple, partridgeberry and blueberry jams. And although none of it was as good as Calvert food, it was plenty and it was cheap. We ate well...

We came home in time to do a little relaxing before bedtime. Uncle Rob's visit was a surprise - he and Maggie hid away in Nan's room making Lego creations.
Trepassey was once a booming hub of the fishery - 2200 people living in the town itself, not to mention in all the surrounding communities. The fish plant employed as many as 1400 people, and Trepassey was home to a hockey rink, a motel, a Home Hardware, several restaurants, two schools, several garages and much more infrastructure. With the demise of the cod fishery, Trepassey is now just a shadow of what it used to be. Last year there was just one child beginning school at Stella Maris.
After taking in the beauty of Trepassey, we backtracked to the Portugal Cove Community Hall for their celebrationof Cape Race Heritage Days. There were displays on traditional themes (hooking mats, catching cod, making butter). The big decision - would we rather know how to make bread or raise a family? Tough decision.
They served lots of traditional food - colcannon, cod tongues, baked beans, toutons, mussels, homemeade bread, pea soup, raisin buns, bakeapple, partridgeberry and blueberry jams. And although none of it was as good as Calvert food, it was plenty and it was cheap. We ate well...

We came home in time to do a little relaxing before bedtime. Uncle Rob's visit was a surprise - he and Maggie hid away in Nan's room making Lego creations.

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