On The Point

Words and images to capture the joy of vacation, the value of family, the chaos of kids, and the beauty of The Rock.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Friday, July 24, 2009 - Napster

Ah, vacation. Today we did so much, and yet, so little!

Maggie hit the ground running this morning, breaking out the sidewalk chalk and decorating the lane with hearts, people, and a few hopscotch grids.

We went to visit Aunt Joan (who is blooming, thank God), played at the playground, then Mom and the boys snuggled on the couch reading books. Clearly, the boys were all in, after a late night last night.

Late afternoon, a knock came at the door and who did we find on the step but Natalie! Fun times ensued, everyone happy to be re-united.


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