Tuesday, July 17th - Come East, young man
Yesterday was a grey, rainy kind of day. Grandma and Nan and the kids and I went to Cape Broyle and did a little exploring, through the harbour gawking at houses, and then in to Horsechops. Nan kept insisting that she ought to make a wish, as it was her first time up the country road. Then we came to Ferryland and descended upon the Colony Cafe for lunch. All things considered, everyone was very well-behaved. Nan had to discipline the boys a couple of times, in particular when Jacob tore off his shoes and flicked them onto the neighbouring table, and when Josh grabbed a hold of the tablecloth an did his best to pull it off. ("Now by's, your not in your own house now!")
Today we visited with our new neighbours - Francis, who grew up next door but moved to BC some 35 years ago, and a whole crew of his friends and family. Nan even walked up the lane with Grandma to visit, and to sit at the kitchen table at Josephine's, where she would have spent many hours over the years. There were a lot of memories in that kitchen, and seeing Nan there at the table with Francis and Lorraine gave me a lump in my throat.

Of course, sentimentality never lasts too long when there are kids in the mix. When I came down the lane after my little moment with Nan, Josh had been quite busy...
Today we visited with our new neighbours - Francis, who grew up next door but moved to BC some 35 years ago, and a whole crew of his friends and family. Nan even walked up the lane with Grandma to visit, and to sit at the kitchen table at Josephine's, where she would have spent many hours over the years. There were a lot of memories in that kitchen, and seeing Nan there at the table with Francis and Lorraine gave me a lump in my throat.

Of course, sentimentality never lasts too long when there are kids in the mix. When I came down the lane after my little moment with Nan, Josh had been quite busy...

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