Wednesday, July 25th, 2007 - Back on the chain gang
A few days, no blogging. A few days, not much of anything, truth be told. That strep just kept getting worse. Two trips to the doctor, what seemed like a thousand gargles with salty water, and more rest than I usually get in a month. And then, pinkeye. Woohoo!
But enough of my germy details. I am on the mend and that is good. A few things to report from these past couple of days....Maggie has taken to photography. She has learned to operate both our and Grandma's camera, and has earnestly set about expressing herself in photos. A few samples of some of the stand-outs:

Also over the past few days there were some amazing scenes out the harbour. We tried our best to capture them.

And then yesterday morning Francis' wife Annette came down with a gift for Nan, an absolutely beautiful silk scarf from one of the First Nations of British Columbia. She said that now Nan could "think of Francis whenever she wore the scarf". Nan was very grateful, but then quietly said, "I don't need a scarf to think of Francis." Another reason to love her.
But enough of my germy details. I am on the mend and that is good. A few things to report from these past couple of days....Maggie has taken to photography. She has learned to operate both our and Grandma's camera, and has earnestly set about expressing herself in photos. A few samples of some of the stand-outs:

Also over the past few days there were some amazing scenes out the harbour. We tried our best to capture them.

And then yesterday morning Francis' wife Annette came down with a gift for Nan, an absolutely beautiful silk scarf from one of the First Nations of British Columbia. She said that now Nan could "think of Francis whenever she wore the scarf". Nan was very grateful, but then quietly said, "I don't need a scarf to think of Francis." Another reason to love her.
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